
Welcome! Our lab explores how the environment that organisms experience shapes their ecological, behavioral, evolutionary, and conservation trajectories. We focus our research on animal and plant and plant systems around the world, with active studies on plant-animal interactions, mating systems, demography and survival, signal evolution, movement and dispersal, and endangered species. Our lab takes a socially aware approach that combines community-engaged participatory research with capacity building, training, and education in the biodiversity hotspots where we work.

November 2012

Posted by on Nov 21, 2012 in Uncategorized | Comments Off on November 2012

Scott T. Walter’s manuscript ‘Brown pelican colony initiation attempts: Translocations and decoys’ was accepted for publication by the journal Waterbirds.  Also, his manuscript ‘Hurricane, habitat degradation, and land loss effects on brown pelican nesting colonies’ was submitted to the journal Bird Conservation International.  Finally, his grant pre-proposal ‘Effects of hypoxia on brown pelican foraging ecology and demographic processes’ submitted to National Geographic was accepted!

The article in The American Naturalist – ‘Use of Alpha, Beta, and Gamma Diversity Measures to Characterize Seed Dispersal by Animals’ by Douglas Scofield, Peter Smouse, Jordan Karubian, and Victoria Sork is now available online!

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October 2012

Posted by on Oct 21, 2012 in Uncategorized | Comments Off on October 2012

Congratulations to Jordan for receiving the Ernest A. Lynton Award for the Scholarship of Engagement for Early Career Faculty from the New England Resource Center for Higher Education! He accepted the award on October 15th at the 18th annual conference for the Coalition for Urban and Metropolitan Universities (CUMU) at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.

“The Lynton Award emphasizes engaged scholarship, characterized by work tied to a faculty member’s expertise that benefits the external community and is visible and shared with community stakeholders, while reflecting the mission of the institution. Dr. Karubian’s faculty work exemplifies the highest standards of engaged scholarship.”

Find out more here and read the official press release here!



Pictured above: Jordan Karubian accepting the Lynton Award from Dr. Robert L. Caret, President of the University of Massachusetts system

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