
Welcome! Our lab explores how the environment that organisms experience shapes their ecological, behavioral, evolutionary, and conservation trajectories. We focus our research on animal and plant and plant systems around the world, with active studies on plant-animal interactions, mating systems, demography and survival, signal evolution, movement and dispersal, and endangered species. Our lab takes a socially aware approach that combines community-engaged participatory research with capacity building, training, and education in the biodiversity hotspots where we work.

January 2013

Posted by on Jan 21, 2013 in Uncategorized | Comments Off on January 2013

Scott presented the talk ‘Brown Pelican Foraging and Nesting in Relation to the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill’ at the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference in New Orleans, LA.  Furthermore, Scott submitted the manuscript ‘Hurricane, Habitat Degradation, and Land Loss Effects on Brown Pelican Nesting Colonies’ to theJournal of Coastal Research.

On the international front, Sam has recently returned from three weeks collecting red-backed fairy wren data during the wet season in Australia.

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December 2012

Posted by on Dec 21, 2012 in Uncategorized | Comments Off on December 2012

Jordan and Luke visited the Chocó rainforests in Ecuador to field test techniques to radio track palm seeds, and also hold an Environmental Fair in La Y de la Laguna that was attended by > 400 local residents.  Jordan also recently received a grant from the LA Board of Regents P-FUND program for work on white-shouldered fairy-wrens in Papau New Guinea.  As for Sam, she is soon off for Australia to continue her doctoral research on red-backed fairy-wrens.  Finally, congratulations to Jenny for advancing to PhD candidacy!  Happy holidays, everyone.

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